
How Long Does Red Cabbage Last?

How long does red cabbage last

Cabbage has been a veggie that has been enjoyed since ancient times. It has a lot of nutritional benefits and contains powerful ingredients like vitamins C, and K, and various minerals.


They are also very low in calories and rich in antioxidants which help to boost your health condition.

So, how long does Red Cabbage last in the freezer?

After many observations, reviews, and research, it has been observed that red cabbage should not stay in the freezer for more than nine months.

It will only last up to nine months if stored properly and if it is blanched.

If it isn’t blanched it can’t reach the maximum of nine months, it will only last up to two.


Whether the cabbage is red or green, when storing it in the refrigerator it should be placed inside a plastic bag.

The plastic bag should be the type that can be zipped.

The plastic bag should be extremely neat and clean to prevent any bacteria and fungi from entering it.

How Do You Keep Red Cabbage Fresh?

It is very important to store red cabbage properly so that it can retain its freshness especially when it wants to be used again.

In order to keep the red cabbage fresh when putting it in the fridge do not rinse it until you are ready to use or eat it.

It will remain fresh when it is not rinsed and still whole.

Take note not to cut into it or remove some part of the red cabbage because cutting into it

Or removing some parts might get rid of the vitamin C in it which is the anti-oxidation and protection thereby leading to early spoilage.

Also, ensure not to put the cabbage directly in the fridge, place it in a neat

And clean plastic bags with a zip to ensure bacteria and fungi don’t get in.

Place it in the crisper drawer of the Fridge.

Your red cabbage will remain fresh if stored this way.



How Long Does Red Cabbage Last In The Refrigerator?

When it comes to storing in the refrigerator, your red cabbage can last up to two to four weeks in a fresh state.

You must ensure that you store it properly so that it can retain its quality and still be good for use.

How Do You Store Red Cabbage After Cutting?

Technically it is best to keep your cabbage when it is still whole and a bit shredded or cut.

It tends to last longer if it hasn’t been to been touched because it still retains its original vitamin C

Which is a natural anti-oxidant and protection for red cabbage.

So in order to store your cut cabbage, wrap it in a very tight plastic bag with a zip or in a large plastic bag.

If you don’t have a plastic bag put it In an air-tight container in your crisper drawer.

By doing this it will help your cabbage to be stored away from air and moisture, as this can lead to oxidation.

Avoid touching it with bare hands, because this can transfer bacteria or other microorganisms into the red cabbage.

Remember that cut Cabbage should be used in two to three days.

What Does Soaking Cabbage In Cold Water Do?

We all know that red cabbage is perishable and can spoil anytime if not taken properly care of.

So they are measures we need to take in order to make it remain fresh and good and soaking it in cold water is one of them.

We soak red cabbage in cold water because it makes it stay plumb, fresh, and good.

Sometimes though the red cabbage isn’t spoilt, the active vitamin C

And other nutrients that are in it might be gone because it isn’t taken properly stored.

So soaking it in cold water can make it retain its natural nutrients.

Soaking it in water can also help the cabbage stay light for a long period of time.

It also helps dilute some of its strong flavors and removes any stale taste.

Soaking Cabbage In Cold Water can help remove grit. Soak the cabbage for not more than thirty minutes.

Does Red Cabbage Turn Green When Cooked?

No! Instead, it turns blue when cooked. Red Cabbage tends to lose its color as time passes.

When cabbage is cooked, it can cause it to turn blue or dull brown colors, thereby making the visual appeal look dull.

It changes colors every time it’s cooked because the acid in the red cabbage evaporates during cooking making it more alkaline.

Normally red cabbage contains a water-soluble pigment which is known as anthocyanin

Which changes colors when coming in contact with acid or base.

It turns red when it is in an acidic environment, which is why our red cabbage appears to be red,

While it turns blueish when it’s alkaline which has a pH of more than seven.

When your red cabbage turn blue do not fear, all u need to do is add vinegar or lemon juice to prevent it.

What Does Bad Red Cabbage Smell Like?

It is very easy to tell if your red cabbage is bad.

And this is made possible through the look, smell, texture, and taste.

But we will be talking about the Smell here.

We are going to know what a bad red cabbage smell like.

Though it is said that it is easy to dictate if it’s bad, the smell is kinda tricky to know,

This is because it smells weird and funky when cooking even though it is still very perky and Fresh.

Fresh cabbage has its own funny smell that is kind of interesting

But spoilt cabbage has this decaying smell that is totally different from the red cabbage’s original funky smell.

It has this decaying smell when it is going bad.

It also has this rotten and ammonia smell that’s so disgusting and can make one throw up.

When you start noticing this smell in your cabbage please dispose.



What Are The Spot On Red Cabbage?

Sometimes spots do appear on our red cabbage, they are known as pepper spots or black spots.

Up till date, the causes of the spots are still unknown.

Scientists have looked for and researched what causes this spot, but nothing has been found, all their efforts are in vain.

They are some speculation that high soil pH, Excessive use of fertilizer high in phosphorus

And nitrogen, low light level, and harvesting and storage condition are what contribute to the spot in red cabbage.

Do not fear when you see the spot on the back of your cabbage, sometimes they are not spoilt inwardly and are still edible.

Some spots on the back of your cabbage are ring spots and they are caused by Mycosphaerella brassicicolla.

When a Cabbage becomes infected on the farm, it can develop into rot thereby leaving a spot in the cabbage.

How to Store Cabbage For Six Months?

It is possible to store Cabbage for six months. And this is only possible if it is stored properly.

The freezer is one of the best places to store Cabbage if you want it to remain fresh during these six months.

  • The first step is to select a cabbage that is fresh and strong. You must ensure that there are no signs of bruises, discoloration, or any form of spoilage
  • Rinse the cabbage thoroughly under running water and remove any remaining outer leaves.
  • You must then cut your cabbage into smaller portions or quarters. Shredding them into strips that are thin is also a nice alternative.
  • Blanching is a very important process as it helps to preserve its freshness, texture, color, and nutritional value. This is done by boiling your cabbage for about two minutes in a clean pot and then transferring it to ice, in order to quickly cool it down.
  • After draining it properly, divide them into sections and place your cabbage in various zipped airbags that are totally airtight. Before zipping, make sure you squeeze enough air out of the bag to avoid freezer burns.
  • Label the bags with dates so that you can know the time duration of when you stored them.

Finally, you place your well-packaged cabbages in the freezer and store them at a zero-degree Fahrenheit.

How To Tell If Your Red Cabbage Is Bad?

Here are powerful and significant signs to tell if your red cabbage is bad;

  1. Visible signs like discoloration, mold, and shrink leaves are clear indications of a bad red cabbage. If you see any of this development, it is best to discard them immediately.
  2. A good sniff test is also very important as it helps to indicate a bad cabbage. When you notice a different weird smell that is fowl, awful, or sour, then you must dispose quickly.
  3. The texture is another great way to tell if your cabbage is bad. A good cabbage should have a strong texture and must not be slimy or too soft.
  4. You can also taste a very little portion of it to know if it is still okay. However, you need to be careful so as not to ingest a poisonous cabbage that is already contaminated with mold or bacteria.



Red Cabbage is very important to everybody as they contain a whole lot of nutritional value that is essential for one’s well-being.

In order for this to be achievable,

You must ensure you get fresh cabbage that is not spoilt. It is important that you also store them properly.


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